



Are You Ready to Discover Your Brilliance? 

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ADHD is one of the most common neurological diagnoses in the U.S.

—yet a staggering 75% of girls and women remain undiagnosed. 

A lot of ADHD women think they’re broken because they live outside the status quo. They’re not trying to fit a square peg into a round hole… they’re asking, why the damn hole needs filling in the first place?!

I’m not here to make you like everyone else. 

I’m here to teach you how to work with your brilliant brain, so you can do things your own way and live the life you were meant to live.

Most people have been led to believe that ADHD looks like a 9-year-old boy who can’t sit still. 

But most people are wrong…

Due to the gender gap in medical research that perpetuates these myths, many ADHD women are left to navigate a society that fails to understand their struggles and gifts.

“ADHD looks different in everyone—one reason it’s difficult to diagnose.”



Katherine Ellison, Pulitzer Prize Winner, author of Buzz: A Year of Paying Attention

Tracy Otsuka’s sparkling, smart-ass positivity pours over these pages, powerful enough to lift the lowest self-esteem.

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"Otsuka adapts her podcast of the same name into an accessible debut guide aimed at helping women to harness their neurodivergent traits to achieve their goals... Delivered in lucid and unpretentious prose, this is a solid starting point for those just beginning to learn about ADHD and its effects on the brain." 

-Publisher's Weekly

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What They're Saying

With a blend of warmth and wisdom, Tracy skillfully leads readers on a journey to embrace their individual strengths, equipping them with invaluable tools to flourish in both personal and professional realms.

- Tamara Rosier, Ph.D., author of Your Brain's Not Broken

- Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, author of The Woman Who Changed Her Brain

A game-changer for ADHD women! Tracy Otsuka's book is a beacon of empowerment, offering practical tools and wisdom to transform challenges into strengths. A must-read for unlocking your brilliance!

Read this book! You will hear Tracy’s energetic, supportive, and nothing-held-back voice in your head… urging you to acknowledge your struggles, embrace your unique gifts, and let your innovative brilliance shine.

- David Flink, Founder of Eye to Eye and author of Thinking Differently

- Jenna Kutcher, Host of The Goal Digger Podcast and New York Times Best Selling Author of How Are You, Really?

Tracy changed my life and uncovered a missing piece of my identity. Her book is a breath of fresh air for ADHD women. With humor and compassion, she provides a roadmap for turning struggles into strengths. A guidebook that's both practical and uplifting.

Empowering, insightful, and downright funny. Tracy Otsuka's guide is a lifeline for ADHD women. It not only debunks stereotypes but offers a roadmap to success, blending expertise with entertainment.

- Gin Stephens, author of New York Times Bestseller Fast Feast Repeat 

Refreshingly witty and filled with optimism, strategies and essential information on the ADHD brain, Tracy's insights, perspective and real-world experience living with and coaching thousands of women with ADHD via her podcast makes ADHD For Smart Ass Women an invaluable resource for those wanting to dive deeper into the subject.

 - Kristen Willeumier, PhD, Neuroscientist and author of BIOHACK YOUR BRAIN, How to Boost Cognitive Health, Performance and Power

Tracy Otsuka does a great explaining how the symptoms of ADHD in women present a little differently. She explores the unique challenges women with ADHD face and I'm sure she'll help a lot of people make sense of their symptoms.

- Amy Morin, psychotherapist and author of 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do

This book is different. In a good way. It digs deep with compassion, humor, and knowledge of how we with ADHD live… You won’t want to put this book down and that says a lot for those of us who have minds that wander. This is a gem of a book and much needed for women with ADHD, who have been silenced far too long.

- Terry Matlen, LMSW, author of The Queen of Distraction and Director of ADDConsults

"I am listening to your book and I am in awe of all the information you have gathered. You share it so clearly and it is so valuable. I am going to discuss with my psychiatrist about getting evaluated for ADHD because I truly feel my ocd, depression, social anxiety, rumination, hair pulling and skin picking are all based in ADHD."

-Yoko N.

"I got my ADHD diagnosis yesterday. Thanks to you this feels like a badge of honor rather than a "disorder". For the first time in a long time I feel like things can only get better from here. Thank you for doing what you do!!! Thank you for your book. It felt like "the plan" was just for me."

-Christine B.

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"Tracy Otsuka’s sparkling, smart-ass positivity pours over these pages, powerful enough to lift the lowest self-esteem."

- Katherine Ellison, Pulitzer Prize Winner, author of “Buzz: A Year of Paying Attention”

And those gifts? 

They’re right here. 
You probably recognize a few of them in yourself right now. 

But what if you - and every woman - had the resources and support to uncover the hidden wonders of your neurodivergent brain? 

ADHD for Smart Ass Women is an unprecedented guide for any woman with ADHD looking to celebrate her unique brilliance and embark on a journey of self-discovery.

In these pages, you will find an entirely new set of tools, systems, and strategies to access a world of boundless productivity, focus, and confidence:

… So You Can Conquer Any To Do List and Tap into Your True Purpose, Personally or Professionally and Be the Person You Want to Be



Tracy Otsuka, JD, is a certified ADHD coach and the acclaimed host of the ADHD for Smart Ass Women podcast, which ranks #1 in its category with over 6 million downloads across 160 countries. With a decade of experience empowering a diverse range of clients—from C-suite executives to entrepreneurs—Tracy has helped thousands recognize that their neurodivergence has strengths. Leveraging her analytical prowess honed as lead counsel at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, she adeptly guides her clients to enhance productivity, financial health, and personal relationships. A sought-after expert, Tracy's insights have been featured in top-tier publications like Inc, Forbes, CBS Mornings and ADDitude magazine. Residing in Sonoma County outside of San Francisco with her family, Tracy has recently published her new book with HarperCollins - William Morrow, titled ADHD for SMART ASS WOMEN.


"ADHD for SMART ASS WOMEN" is more than just a guide; it's an empowering narrative that redefines ADHD in women. It offers wisdom, practical advice, and a much-needed reframing of what it means to live and succeed with ADHD. This book is not only a must-read for women with ADHD but also for anyone looking to understand and support them in their journey. It's a beacon of hope and a testament to the strength and creativity of women with ADHD. Thank you, Tracy Otsuka. This book will change many lives and help women feel seen, celebrated, and supported!

A Little Love From Our Fans

-  Katrina