Jan 18
Tracy talks about what a body double is and how it can help us get our work done. We’re taught from childhood that if we need to get serious work done we must lock ourselves in a quiet room. Find out why this is likely not true for those of us with ADHD. Learn a counter-intuitive and effective method for those of us with ADHD to get our work done.
Tracy shares ADHD coach, ’s, term body double which is a way that her clients successfully complete repetitive, boring tasks. You’ll learn why those with ADHD may feel more focused by the presence of another person. You’ll learn about the mirror neuron theory You’ll learn how balancing positive and negative energy may actually help us get things done. Learn why adding structure stimulates the brain and brings clarity and focus. Tracy outlines what a body double should do and not do and who is and isn’t a great candidate for your body double. You’ll also learn when it makes sense to consider a body double and when it doesn’t.
Tracy also shares strategies that work for her teenage son in getting his homework done as well as how she uses the body double concept to complete big, unpleasant projects around the house. Tracy then shares how members in her use a body double, why it works for them and the various body double options. Tracy introduces her virtual body double Study Hall that is part of her free Facebook Group. Learn how a body double can: Help us activate and start a task Generate momentum and keep us going Provide social interaction which can serve to motivate us Provide accountability Provide a clear intention that helps to focus the ADHD brain Stop us from wandering off inside of our heads Finally, Tracy will share a hack for cleaning your house so you don’t feel so alone and bored.
"If I was alone, I would let distractions take over. So I'd love to know what you think."
- Tracy Otsuka
"Having a body double helps almost all people with ADHD get work done that they don't want to do."
- Tracy Otsuka
"When I am in my home and trying to get work done, I am constantly distracted, constantly looking for other things to stimulate me, unlike when I am."
- Tracy Otsuka
- Tracy discusses the concept of a "body double" for people with ADHD, which involves bringing an inanimate object to a workspace to help focus and contain energy.
- Tracy shares her experience with her son Marcus, who has ADHD, and how they use the "body double" concept to help him focus and complete tasks.
- Tracy finds that being specific with her questions and involving the whole family in tasks helps make them more manageable and enjoyable.
[13:48 - 23:20] Using Virtual Body Doubles for Productivity
- Tracy discusses the effectiveness of virtual body doubles, finding that they work almost as well as in-person meetings.
- Tracy and Sarita share their experiences with body doubling, finding it helpful for accountability and motivation.
- Tracy and Elizabeth discuss the benefits of working in a coffee shop or library, including setting a clear intention, staying focused, and having a body double to keep them on track.
[23:20 - 31:16] Creative Workarounds for ADHD Productivity
- Tracy and Jamie share tips for staying productive while working remotely, including the importance of music and podcasts for focus.
- Tracy suggests creative workarounds for ADHD individuals, including hiring a "body double" to provide accountability and focus.
- Tracy shares insights on accountability and productivity in a group setting.