Jan 18
In this podcast I answer Amanda’s question who is one of our members. Amanda asked what she should do if she’s bored in her career and knows she needs a new or different challenge. Tracy first shares why major life decisions are so hard for everyone to make but especially hard for those with ADHD.
Learn what should be the driving force in any major life decision and why big life decisions and seemingly easy decisions can both be hard decisions to make. Find out what makes a decision easy to make. Tracy then gives advice on what to do when you’re trying to decide between two equal jobs. Learn why values and purpose are so important to any hard decision you need to make and why we often get it wrong. Hint: it’s all related to how we’ve been taught to make decisions and logic, analysis and research is not always the best way. Discover who’s the best expert to go to when making a big life decision and what you should pay especial attention to.
Tracy talks about how there is no such thing as a mistake or a bad decision unless you keep doing the same thing over and over again and hate the results. We learn to pay attention to our brains as a guide for what we should do but Tracy teaches us that there’s something even more important to focus on when we’re making major life decisions. Discover why not making a decision and letting others make them for you is the worst decision you can possibly make. Learn what the two big questions are that you should always ask when making a decision? Tracy then shares a strategy for testing if you’re moving in the right direction and making the right decision. This strategy can also increase your motivation and help you move forward even quicker.
"You have to know exactly what you value. And at a minimum, the neighborhood where your purpose lifts."
- Tracy Otsuka
"We're talking about silence and inaction. These are decisions. making hard choices is where you discover not only who you really are, but who you could actually be."
- Tracy Otsuka
"Our ADHD brains, they are wired for interest. And so my first question to Amanda was, are you interested at all in what you're doing?"
- Tracy Otsuka
- Tracy grapples with small, everyday decisions (dinner choices) and major career decisions (law school vs. public health).
- Tracy struggles with making decisions due to uncertainty and lack of information.
- Tracy explains why hard decisions involve values and purpose, despite known outcomes.
[06:59 - 10:54] Making Life-Changing Decisions Based on Personal Interests
- Tracy emphasizes the importance of trusting one's intuition and body when making difficult decisions.
- Tracy emphasizes the importance of making decisions and taking action to gain life experience and personal growth.
- Tracy emphasizes the importance of making decisions based on personal values and interests, rather than external pressures or expectations.
[10:54 - 18:49] Using Intuition to Make Decisions Despite ADHD
- Tracy encourages listeners to identify their passions and take action towards pursuing them, even if it means facing fears and discomfort.
- By relying on their intuition and positive emotions, individuals can make better decisions and take control of their lives.
- Tracy invites listeners to leave audio messages on her website and join her free Facebook group for ADHD women.